Frokostmøte Fokusgruppe Salg Marked og Kommunikasjon

Line Kjelstrup




Location: LINKEN Møtesenter Tromsø

Sykehusvegen 21 Tromsø

8:15 - 9:30

Biotech North’s Focus Group Sales & Marketing invites you to its breakfast and kick-off meeting on Thursday, February 23, at the SIVA Innovation Centre, Hamperokken meeting room, from 08:15 – 09:15 hrs.

We are happy to announce Jethro Holter, managing director of ArcticZymes AS, as our ‘special guest’, who is looking forward to share with us his experience and considerations with respect to sales and marketing.

He will give an introduction on the following three leads of this meeting:

  • Importance of a strategy
  • Market 360: choosing where to play
  • Sales: general guidance

We strongly wish this to be an interactive event, where the exchange of ideas, knowledge, wondering and needs is the method, not only to come to a better understanding of sales and market dynamics, but also to get input on subjects for the focus group’s program in 2017.